Wednesday 24 January 2007


".....It takes a few little things to put a lot of big things in perspective. And one big thing to put everything in perspective....."

I have lost count this week how many times i've nearly been taken out my 18tonnes of metal being driven by a suicidal maniac. The pure stupidity and mind-boggling ignorance you see on the roads each day astonishes me. Before 10 months ago, I would say i drove a lot, weekends in Wales / Sheffield / Lakes etc not counting the odd trip to France. That was until I decided a 90 mile commute each day taking in the QE2 bridge and Dartford tunnel was a good idea.

90 miles a day, 450 miles a week, a staggering 23,400 miles a year. My carbon footprint must be laughable.

Why do I do this you ask? Good question, well the job is excellent as well as the benefits being good - company car, petrol and tolls paid for and for each hour i sit in the car i get paid for. So when i'm sitting on the M25, listening to Essex FM for the latest traffic report and hearing that the reason i've been sitting stationary for the last 2 hours is because some "suicidal maniac" decided the luxury yacht on the back of his wagon would fit inside Dartford tunnel, the saving grace is i know that the meter is running and i'm being paid. If it wasn't for this i'm sure I would either have quit a long time ago or be in the nearest maximum security mental hospital.

When you have the time and focus to think about work-life balance, you start to understand exactly what that term means. If someone told me a year ago they commuted 90 miles a day over Dartford I would have laughed out loud, called them a stupid **** and then felt mildly sorry for them. However I am glad i have done it, otherwise i don't think i'd fully understand the true meaning of a perfect work-life balance. Now I can put the measures into place to rectify the situation.

Is there any meaning to this rant, well probably not, but I was sitting there in the car this morning watching 0.005mm of snow turn the entire population of drivers into idiots thinking, god i feel sorry for myself, i'm tired, its cold outside, got a load of work to do blah blah blah, whinge, whinge, moan, when my phone rings, and i learn that one of my very best friends has just found out his dad has a brain tumour.

And that, my friends, is when you stop, think, think again, and then realise that everything you have been moaning about to yourself is completly and utterly insignificant. It takes one big thing to put everything in perspective.

Bring on Fernie!
Oh and a pic of me with my Helmet!!!!


rodderz said...

thanks Matt, you are spot on.

we had a similar one, a friend of ours father died in a rip in Australia jus before Christmas, it makes me want to spend time and valuable moments with my family and friends.

Banksy said...

Nice Helmet! Would you prefer to be called Goose or Maverick?

send me an email / schick mir eine Email said...

is that for the GIGAvalanche starting at the top of Everest?

La Haine said...

Hmmm, Maverick or Goose, a short guy or a dead guy. Think something in between - Moose.

Ash, found it hard enough pushing my bike to the top of Alpe D'Huez let alone Everest!!!

Doable though!!