Monday 19 February 2007

Whats in the news in the US

1. Britney going Bald
2. Anna Nicole Smith
3. Its snowing
4. Someone got banned from the the Daytona 500
5. How couples in the Hollywood manage to be married for 18 years
6. Helicopter went down in Afghanistan
7. The House said no to troops to iraq, congress said yes. or something like that!
8. Something about Obama and Clinton
9. GM might buy Chrysler
10. Some beauty queen was rescued by Donald Trump

1. I dont care
2. Actually its really sad that everyone can not leave her alone, very very sad for her.
3. Wow, maybe there is not global warming
5. Who cares?
6. Finally news, shame its a bit like the Sun
7. Good to see someone challening
8. Great PR, watch the UK politicians copy the warchest
9. How, they are bleeding money, must be asset rich
10. She is fit.

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