Monday 5 March 2007

Biking in The Somme

A few of us went riding on Saturday, in The Peaks, meeting up at around 10.30. all coming from different directions, but when we all arrived I am sure the worries of the world were lifted as we duely assembled our bikes. The excitement of getting away from it all. The Sun was glinting off the water and shorts (rather than long trousers) were the order of the day for most. Shortly after setting off the heavens opened and that was that, wet through, climbing up a steep climb to the bleakest moorland above Ladybower Reservoir... Yes, we were up cut gate on a windy wet day and the terrain was somewhat challenging. See photos. Once you have crossed Cut Gate, there is no way back apart from 'going over back the top'. On the way back over the top a turning was missed, confusion set in and the terrain wasn't getting any easier. It was at this point that someone said, this reminds me of 'The Somme!'.
I had to laugh, and the tedium and frustration of getting constantly bogged down was getting to us all... It was a struggle against the elements. We were struggling after a few hours, I thought to myself, imagine doing this for years on end... No wonder half of the soldiers in The Somme went mad. I really enjoyed the challenge in the short term. It is similar to Jeez's last post in that battling agianst the elements, going where you want to go makes you feel alive. Anyway, back at work for a week looking forward to the next weekend... I don't love my job, but that is starting not to matter, we owe a lot to the true Lads who bttled in The Somme.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks Jizzing!!!!!!!!