Monday 5 March 2007

Sore Head

Spent the weekend riding... went to the Mountain Ash uplift organised by Dragon Downhill. It was Mudville, Arizona. I put my new mud tires on after much indecision. They were great at clearing mud..... straight in to my goggles. awesome. so i could grip and not see anything. This possibly explains my crashing.

The track is so good. Starts with a 5ft drop into a left hander into a kicker, booting you straight in to a right hand berm, so a bit of a hip. down a nice long striaght and fast right hand turn. Into 3 bus stops, the first one is insane, have so much speed and have to hip left in to down slope. the other 2 bus stops are cool. Then go to ride through the trees and down a slab. Some pretty rooty bus stops an 'ard right hand turn in to the tress where the light was so bad you just had to ride blind for 5 - 10 metres having faith in your ability. Then mach down a straight in to a small 2 ft drop, which made my suspension bottom out every time, as soon as you land it was in to a left hand sharp corner in to a rooty secion with loads of different line. Honestly, that whole secttion felt like was on a Speeder from Star Wars. However, there was a small drop before a road and i think 5 times out of 7 i stacked it. Culminating in landing on my head on attempt 5. I still have mild headaches now, they were agony, but it did not stop the riding. The bottom half was good; more roots and trees, some uphill and because of the mud it was painful. The bottom section was all muddy and full of berms but the berms were so nicely built, the final left hander i felt like i was sprining out with 2x the entry speed. How can it be warm and hail.

Dan was fast, some comedy stacks and punctures. 100mph to and fromWales trying not to fall asleep.

There was a double at the end, i never did, not sure why not, anyway next time...

Sunday was Rogate in the pouring rain, that was good. Muddy and doing the gaps that were no worse than the others. I bought some white gloves, GOOD when its muddy so i rode without gloves. Grazeed hands now.

great weekend. sore legs from sprinting so much and sore arms from lifitng bikes on and off trucks.

The weekend before was good too. Riding 4x and racing. Getting into a run off for the semis. Was jetlagged and had no food so bonked. But was hopeful for the start of the season,

It has been a hard 2 weekends riding. I have lost a lot of my form from flying. It is taking time to recover but certainly have the head for riding still and even after stacking it on to my head I was still riding as ragged as ever. Only thing is I have scratched the paintwork on my Troy Leee

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